I’m sure you can recognise the moment from the movies. There’s a bad guy of some sort… And he’s running down the street, thinking he’s getting away from the cops. He [...]
A few years ago, the Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago conducted a huge survey investigating how followers of Jesus grow spiritually. They surveyed over 250 000 people across thousands of [...]
Confession: I love my smartphone! There you go. I’ve admitted it. I also loved (past tense) my tablet. But it is now about six years old and at the rate that technology updates you could say that [...]
Tools to help read, understand, and be shaped by the bible I think most people who want to follow Jesus, have some measure of desire to read the bible and engage with it in a way that feels [...]
Seven months ago I started reading the short 4 chapter bible story of Jonah. I started reading it just as part of my devotions and because I thought it would be good to read through an old [...]
Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:29-44; John 12:12-19 Today during our worship service, I sensed a strong tug on my heart with regards to today being Palm Sunday. I started picturing Jesus [...]
Good morning everyone! You may have woken up this morning hungrier than a bear out of hibernation with the hunger pangs hitting you like a sledgehammer! You may be feeling a bit weak and [...]
Prayer has been an integral part of probably every journey that every church, ministry or minister has ever taken, the Cobham story is just the same. We started praying over a year ago and we [...]
“Rise up, my darling! Come away with me, my fair one!” Song of Solomon 2:13 Last year we had the great privilege of travelling through Death Valley in the USA. It is one of my favourite places [...]
As we worshipped at Dwell I read Ezekiel 37:1-14 about a vision the prophet Ezekiel was given. He was standing in an open plain, surrounded by dry bones that were scattered all around him. There [...]