In June 2014 God spoke very powerfully to KingsGate out of Psalm 24, about being a generation who took their place, that was bought with Jesus’ blood, seated with Christ in heavenly realms and [...]
This last year has been a tough one for Cobham. We had half the people leave due to a difference of vision or wanting something else. The amazing thing is that the church feels to be in a [...]
People fast for various reasons, including religious, traditional, weight loss, and health-related motivations. However, for Christians, especially since the time of Jesus, the primary purpose of [...]
For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. Zeph 3:17 One of the main pictures we see of God in the scriptures is that of a deliverer. YAHWEH is the God who liberates his [...]
In Genesis 2:18 God says “It is not good that the man should be alone” and I think the same is true for churches. When churches get isolated they a) run the risk of getting terribly inwardly [...]
Good morning everyone. I think you’ll agree, there’s a big difference between going for a stroll and walking with determination towards an objective. On a stroll, when an obstacle [...]
As we start our annual week of fasting, below are some thoughts to guide our prayer: Towards the end of last year I felt God speak to me from 2 Samuel 5:17-24 David has been crowned King over [...]
In 2020, probably the most overused word was ‘unprecedented’. In 2022 could it be ‘transition’? Maybe we’re in an unprecedented transition! In his book A Non-anxious Presence, Mark Sayers, a [...]
Morning all Last day of fasting and for me it’s been good so far. Funnily enough when we create space for God to speak, he does. Could be a life lesson there somewhere. Someone famous once [...]
Self-confidence and self-sufficiency are often seen as very good things in our culture. The person who can get things done and make things happen is admired. Indeed these are traits that can be [...]