Philippians 2
Philippians 2 contains a beautiful ancient hymn which many people consider to be the centre around which this wonderful letter was written. The words found in verse 6 through to 11 have been discussed at length by theologians as they try to understand the mystery of key doctrines like the Trinity and the Incarnation. Although this passage has much to tell us on these key beliefs, most importantly this ancient hymn is placed in this letter as an example we are called to imitate. Paul precedes this hymn with the words/instruction/exhortation to “have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.”
As Christians we are called again and again to follow Jesus – this is what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. As we follow Jesus we increasingly begin to imitate him and consequently to shine like stars in a dark world. In light of Sunday mornings preach here are some questions to enable you to get more out of the chapter as you read through it on your own or with your connect groups:
Having read chapter 2 consider all or some of these questions:
- How do you think the description of Jesus set out in verses 6 through to 11 should shape the way we interact as a church community? Why is this important?
- Having read through chapter 2 how would you describe humility?
- In what way do Timothy and Epaphroditus reflect Jesus’ example?
- How have you been challenged by this chapter – if so then in what ways?