As a KingsGate family we want to increasingly be giving ourselves to the things that will enable us to see our vision that God gave us as a church come to life. In order to see “On earth as it is in heaven” come to pass, we have to ask, “What is happening in heaven?” and “what is the atmosphere of heaven filled with?” Two of the things that heaven is full of is worship and prayer happening all the time around the throne of God, so we want to intentionally add our voices to the eternal symphony of worship and prayer that is already happening in heaven, while we are here in earth. One of the main outworkings of our vision is “Loving God”, and as a church we are intentionally prioritising more times where we worship together outside of a Sunday for longer periods of time, because God’s worth it and because we love Him and want to grow in our intimacy with Him.
We desire to love God deeply and passionately, love people fiercely and intentionally, worship radically and unreservedly. We believe that worship is one of the greatest keys to connection with God; warfare against the powers of darkness; freedom for people, and breakthrough in impossible situations. Thus we prize the wholehearted exaltation, adoration, enjoyment, and pursuit of the person and presence of Jesus in our worship and prayer times together. Its our joy and privilege to choose to prioritise prolonged time for worship and prayer and to give our incredible God some unhindered time and space in our lives to meet with us, speak to us, love on us, bring healing, and set us free. We yearn to see God’s Kingdom come to bring revival, reformation, healing, and transformation to our city, our nation, and the nations of the world.
The God of miracles responds to our worship in many ways. We never worship Him to get something from Him; we worship Him because He is worthy. But God is so deeply moved by our unified worship and adoration of Him that He often steps in and brings breakthrough in the midst of our darkest trials, deepest pain, and loneliest ‘prisons’, just like He did with Paul and Silas in prison in Acts 16. There was something about their heart and their choice to worship despite their circumstances that moved God’s heart to bring the breakthrough they needed. God is alive and well, and still moving in response to our worship today!
Over the last few months that we have been having these extended worship and prayer times, we have seen and experienced some amazing things happening: breakthroughs, healings, people being set free from fear (and other things), people having encounters with God, peace coming to troubled minds and hearts, and so much more. Its not about the numbers in the room, its about hunger for God, and we have loved the journey He’s been taking all of us on when we have been meeting together. The other really encouraging thing is that the extended worship and prayer times have created a space for people to step out of their comfort zones/fear and do things in worship that they have never done before, which has released those people to bring freedom into our Sunday services. Along with that, prophetic words and prayers that have been spoken out during these times, have ended up coming through in prophetic words, prayers, pictures, or the preach during the church service the next day, which has been so incredibly encouraging for all of us!
These times are for anyone who wants to grow in worship or prayer, risk in a safe environment, grow in their intimacy with God, invest time into worshipping and praying and changing the atmosphere over our church, our city, our nation etc. Our desire is that you would come join us on these evenings as we grow in pursuing and loving God together and as we allow Him to have His way in us on earth as it is in heaven. For the next one on the 28 April 2018, we will be worshipping at Kingsgate in Kingston from 7pm and continue as the Spirit leads. You are free to come for as little or long as you like.