Day 2 – Prayer & fasting 2025

Hi all
I hope you are strong and not feeling the cold too much.

Last night we spent time worshipping and then washing hands as a symbol of bringing every thought under the authority of Christ. Years ago, the Holy Spirit taught me through Isaiah 30:15 that resting in God’s presence and repenting of wrong thinking gives us the authority to declare that same freedom over others, and even areas.
Last night we declared freedom to encounter Holy Spirit in deeper and more life transforming ways for the whole KingsGate family and his favour on those areas which are currently dormant.

Today we are praying for unity, unity in our own homes, unity in our church family and unity across the body of Christ in Kingston. I was very struck by a comment Steve Uppal made last Feb when ministering at KingsGate. He said “how can I expect to have authority to bring unity in a city if I am not living in unity with my wife.” Again, authority in prayer begins with our own surrender to Jesus. If something, other than Jesus, is still enthroned in our lives we cant expect to then have authority to pray it out of the way for others.

God is obviously very concerned about unity, as Ps 133 and John 17:20-23 make very clear, and so today as we prepare to join with other churches in Kingston to pray, lets allow Holy Spirit to show us if there are areas in our lives where we are not living in humility, peace and reconciliation.

Just one caveat. Paul says in Romans 12:18 as far as it is possible with you, live at peace with everyone. We can’t be responsible for other peoples bad behaviour. I can only control me. Sometimes the best way for me to be a peace with a toxic person, is to not be around them…..but lets trust Holy Spirit to show us when that’s the case, rather than defaulting to that place out of offence or unforgiveness.

Pray today that we would be of one heart and one mind (Acts 4:32) in our homes, our workplaces, our church and as the body of Christ accross this borough.

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